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Showing posts from April, 2020

10 'Real' Everyday Problems During the Covid Lockdown!

Photo Courtesy: World Economic Forum Come year 2020 and the Entire World, yes, the entire world is under the grip of Novel Coronavirus and its subsequent disease of Covid-19. As a precautionary measure to contain the spread of this human-to-human transmitted disease without a known cure, many countries including India took the harsh but necessary measure to impose a Nation-wide Lockdown. While we are all too familiar with the on-goings that we see on prime-time news, which includes the horrific plight of the daily wage workers in India desperate to return to their homes amid an unending lockdown period, there are number of unique everyday problems that we could not have anticipated hadn't there been a lockdown of such a sort. Here's a lowdown on some of those Real Everyday Problems amid the Covid Lockdown 2020 - 1. TODDLERS & CHILDREN Who would have imagined that the hardest chore for a mother would be to keep her bursting-with-energy toddler occup...