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Showing posts from September, 2015

Lo Dear. Behold Fear.

Fear, in psychology, is nothing more than learned behaviour. It is a result of Classical Conditioning. Simply put, the mind develops a fear of certain things when it is cautioned against an object or event or is a result of a previous unpleasant personal experience. A little girl named Suzy has recently started attending school. She is escorted daily to her designated Bus Stop by her father John. Suzy knows a mom n pop store nearby and insists that John buys her a Lolly. John complies once or twice but soon realizes that Suzy is making a habit of the Lollies. He observes a watchdog at the entrance of the store. To discourage Suzy's incessant requests for the Lollies, John relates a fictitious story to her about the watchdog who likes Lollies so much that he bites every little child who walks out of the store with one. Suzy makes feeble attempts to convince John to take her to the store. But each time she insists, the story of the watchdog is repeated. And voila! Suzy s...