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Showing posts from December, 2014

Mumbai Celebrates Equal Streets

When the denizens of Mumbai venture out of their homes to claim their streets, the Carnival Begins!! :) Sacrificing their Sunday morning sleep, city lovers and sports enthusiasts participate in Times of India’s recent initiative called Equal Streets. The premise of this undertaking is simple- people have as much right to the roads as do vehicles! Last Sunday morning, I participated in the campaign by walking the long stretch between Santcruz (West) to Bandra (West) and back. Accompanied by two uncles, an aunt and my father, I finally joined the bandwagon, I so eagerly wanted to be a part of. The traffic on one side of this ever-so-busy stretch was reserved for people to do literally whatever they liked… Iskcon’s Hare Ramas chanted and artists painted. Yoga co-existed with zumba and folk music with indie-pop; bollywood music was not left far too behind. People were seen walking, jogging, bicycling, tricycling, skating and skateboarding. Infants were escorted in...